Thursday, August 30, 2012

When I am loved, I see the person I can be;
When I love, I see the person I am.

Feeling the opposite of fear today. Feeling full of LOVE. Feeling overjoyed. Feeling truly blessed. 

Doors have opened, new opportunities taken, new adventures are beginning.. 


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Vessel for Source

This morning I rise like most mornings. Finding gratitude for breath and the kitty cuddles I'm greeted with. had the opportunity to dance to three of my favorite music producers last night and of course that left my MTP joint a little unhappy. Its been since August 7th I've been dealing with the pain and torture of my injured left foot. 

This morning I'm turning to SOURCE asking, praying, begging for the healing to happen needed so I can return to my optimum efficiency!

"May my body become a vessel for Source energy."